Multi Anti-Counterfeit Detection:- The money counter machine has UV/MG/MT/IR/DD detecting technology to detect the counterfeit, damaged, Half, Chain-note, Slope-note, abnormal size bills. The counting machine with LCD display, if there is any error, the color of the LCD display will turn into red and sound ‘beep’.
Multiple Modes, Easy to Operate:- The bill counter with Auto/Manual, Add, Batch, Value Counting, Detection, Counting, Reset modes for optional which can meet various cash counting demands.
Single Denomination Value Count (NOT MIX VALUE):- The total value of a single selected denomination can be calculated using the DOMENS money counter. The value of the sum of the multi-denomination bills can be calculated in conjunction with the Add mode .Note: The bill counter does not recognize the denomination of the bill automatically ,you have to separate bills of various denominations before adding each stack of the bill.
Efficient and Accurate Counting:- The cash counter has 1100 bills/min counting speed, the noise is less than 60dB .It has DC motor that can adapt to wide voltage from DC85V-250V,suitable for different voltage.